How to integrate VR experience with data from the sensors in the VR glasses to MAX and locate the person moving and change the sound.
There are two options to integrate your VR experience with the data from the sensors in the VR glasses to MAX. Below are the instructions to help you get started:
1) Using Max with OSC: When creating your experience, such as in Unity, ensure that you set the OSC protocol to send the camera position and orientation. Our Max patcher is capable of receiving OSC messages and passing them to the plugin for further processing.
2) Utilizing the Wwise Plugin: you can integrate the Wwise sound engine into your Unity/UE project and use our Wwise plugin specifically designed for Wwise 2019. By doing so, you can deliver the application to the end user without requiring any additional applications.
To better understand the integration process, we have provided two example projects that demonstrates how it works. You can access them at the following link: Kindly scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for “Example integration of ZYLIA 6DoF HOA Renderer for MaxMSP with Unity game engine.”
Please note the following important details:
- The integration only works with our products, but you can use the example projects as a reference to create your own scene.
- Make sure to modify the Scene Configuration section according to your specific requirements. Please see sample below.