How to use ZM-1 with MATLAB using the function in ASIO settings.
We understand the importance of efficient and effective integration of devices like the ZYLIA ZM-1 with MATLAB for your work, and we are committed to providing you with the necessary resources to facilitate this process.
We are pleased to inform you that it is indeed possible to use your ZYLIA ZM-1 device with MATLAB. To help you in this process, we have provided an example script below that demonstrates how to set up and access the ZYLIA ZM-1 using MATLAB.
Step-by-Step Guide:
% Set up parameters
fs = 48000; % Sampling frequency
nBits = 24; % Bits per sample
nChannels = 19; % Number of channels (1 for mono, 2 for stereo)
recordTime = 10; % Recording time in seconds
deviceName = ‘Zylia ZM-1’; % Replace with the name of your ASIO device
% Create an audio device reader object
deviceReader = audioDeviceReader( “Driver”, “ASIO”, …
‘SampleRate’, fs, …
‘BitDepth’, ’24-bit integer’, …
‘NumChannels’, nChannels, …
‘Device’, deviceName);
% Prepare to record
numSamples = recordTime * fs;
audioData = zeros(numSamples, nChannels);
% Record audio
for i = 1:floor(numSamples/deviceReader.SamplesPerFrame)
audioData((i-1)deviceReader.SamplesPerFrame+1:ideviceReader.SamplesPerFrame, 🙂 = deviceReader();
disp(‘Recording finished.’);
% Release the audio device
% Plot the recorded audio
title(‘Recorded Audio Signal’);
xlabel(‘Sample Number’);
% Save the audio data to a file
audiowrite(‘myASIORecording.wav’, audioData, fs);
The example script includes a comprehensive guide to help you get started. By following the steps outlined in the script, you will be able to seamlessly integrate your ZM-1 into your MATLAB workflow and begin utilizing its features for your projects.
We hope that this guide proves to be valuable in your endeavors to access and utilize the ZYLIA ZM-1 in MATLAB. Should you encounter any challenges or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team for guidance.